Can grants be used for anything? – List Of Government Grants For Individuals

It is up to the GM to decide what actions can be applied to any character from this document. All actions have the same benefit for all characters, but you may choose between different benefits for different situations.

When you use an action, the GM will read it aloud to you. The first time the action is used, it grants you a bonus. The second time it’s used, you receive a debuff. Finally, it is rolled, using the same rules for the main action. You choose one bonus, and gain the same bonus as you usually do for your main action. You may choose different bonuses. Each successful roll adds 0.5 to your bonus. There is a minimum and maximum number of roll points the bonuses get. The minimum is 0, and the maximum is 7. The GM may limit the number of roll points a character can gain in one day per character, depending on what class the character is.

If an action has multiple benefits, the GM determines the order in which the bonuses are applied. It may be a bonus that applies to all of them or to one or fewer of them, depending on the situation.

For example, you have a 3 vs. 1 situation with no bonus on attack rolls or movement (the monster can’t attack you). The monster can make an attack, but must first choose a bonus. The bonus is:




20-4+ (5 vs. 4 is a no-bonus)

Each bonus is then applied in order. You lose your 2-1 bonus before the 6 does, because the other three are not applied to you.

If it is more than one of these bonuses, they are added together and you get a total of 20+ bonus. If it is more than one of these bonuses, they are subtracted from each other, and the final result is rounded down.

If the bonus has multiple effects, the effects are chosen from the list below. Note that the bonuses are only counted for actions where the actions themselves are not bonuses. So a “no bonus” action is counted as a separate bonus for the effects of the action itself.

Actions and Effects [ edit ]

An action can be any combination of rolls on one or more action tables. It can have any number of effects that apply at the same time.

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If the effects of an action do not appear in a Table, you do

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Can grants be used for anything? – List Of Government Grants For Individuals
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