Is it easier to learn to play guitar or ukulele? – Best Way To Learn Ukulele Strumming For Riptide Karaoke

Do you have better guitar playing?

I enjoy teaching guitar and ukulele. Most of my students have more experience with those than me.

You play with very well known bands. Do you have many of the musicians at your shows for your lessons?

I’ll have a small group. The other band members tend to be busy with the main show.

How will you improve how you play?

I have lots of new ideas for improvement. I am not afraid to experiment. I try to learn new things each day. I want to be better than I used to be.

What instrument would you enjoy teaching?
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It would be a hard question, but it has to be a guitar. If possible, I’d love to teach someone who didn’t play guitar.

Any advice you’d give to beginners?

Learn some music theory and then start practising. Practice the notes and chords that make you happy. The notes give you lots of pleasure.

What are some of the challenges you think new beginners in the band face?

I think that one thing most new band members don’t realise is that the music they listen to when they first start isn’t the music they hear most of the time. I always tell students not to listen to a lot of old music they already like.

What are some of the reasons why people give up practicing and start playing the wrong notes?

Too much work, not enough pleasure.

Have you ever seen anyone play so badly that they have to stop playing?

Yes. The one time I saw this it was at a local club near my house. You may call it a joke. A young guy was in the front row with a band mate playing a very good guitar. He played a really nice melody but as this was in the middle of a club I don’t think it was very polite but he played the wrong notes and the next thing I knew he was dead. He probably broke both his legs after that.

How easy was it to find inspiration from a famous or famous musician?

That would be tough. Musicians that are famous are very interesting to learn from. They get more involved in the music and sometimes get very frustrated. When in a big band we do get to see a lot of famous concerts but that’s not the way I like things. If only a few of our songs were so good that we could all play them live that would be a bonus

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Is it easier to learn to play guitar or ukulele? – Best Way To Learn Ukulele Strumming For Riptide Karaoke
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