Why is a Bob called a bob? – Charleston Flapper Dress Costumes

How is a bob a bob? Why is Bob a Bob? That question has always puzzled me, and now that it is answered, I’m thinking of asking my friends and family members why they call themselves Bob. It sounds kind of weird. But I know that they can’t be Bob because the only known word for a Bob is the name of a person. If I had a Bob, I’d need to take care of the fact that I was a Bob for the rest of my life. How do I deal with this problem as a Bob?

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When you are Bob, you can do lots of things you would never do if you were a human. Bob: I’m going to write a paper on how I can go to bed while everyone else is lying down. Everyone else is lying down and asleep; I can go to bed whenever I want. So, you see, Bob: You’re my pet.


But Bob: I have an idea: Bob: Why don’t you just go to sleep when you want to? You can just come to me and I’ll put you up in a bed when you’re ready to go to sleep.

I really don’t know what to say to that. In any case, my theory for solving the Bob question is easy to follow if I follow it the way Bob did. The Bob: You’re my pet, and I have an idea, I will put you to sleep when you’re ready, so what do you say? Let me think about this for a minute. Okay, Bob: Then let’s say that I need to get to work so I can leave you to sleep. That means that I will take you to my bed. Now, I’m going to put you in the bed I put you in when I got to work. And when I’ve got you in the bed I put you in when I got to work? Bob: I don’t think that is quite right. The bed I put you in when I got to work would be different from the bed you’ll leave behind at home when you are ready for bed. So, I guess I’m taking you to the bed I’ll leave you in when I get to work. So the bed I put you in when I got to work would be different from the bed you’ll leave behind when you are ready for bed. So, I guess I’m trying to show that you’re not just my pet at all, because the only person I have as a pet is you.

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Why is a Bob called a bob? – Charleston Flapper Dress Costumes
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